Jan 12, 2011

New Kid on the Block

Hello Blogland! Sarah here and I am brand new here to the blogsphere and cant wait to dive right in sharing my adventures in crafting, raising our basset hound, Floyd, couponing and whatever else may come my way!!
I love, love, love exploring crafting, diy, food and coupon blogs.  I love seeing what you other genius bloggers come up with and attempting create just as amazing projects.

I am a recent newlywed living with the hubs (Mister) and our son, Floyd.  Or actually, according to Floyd, we live with him and he is nice enough to let us live here.
Along with the marriage came a new house that I love decorating (might have something to do with my interior design degree) and creating new projects for the Mister to help me tackle. Hey, Im just trying to make him more handy!

Please stop back by and join me in reading about our daily adventures of basset rearing, designing, crafting, thrifting, couponing and loving.

Floyd would love to meet you once he wakes up.

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