Mar 14, 2011

Meal Plan : Week of March 14th

This may be a day late but I still wanted to share my meal plan!  We have some friends coming in town this weekend so Friday-Sunday are a little up in the air as far as actual meals but there are definitely some delicious appetizers in the works!

Monday: Chicken breasts + stuffed baked potatoes (stuffed with broccoli, spinach, green onions, potato)

Tuesday: Oatmeal and banana pancakes

Wednesday: Pork chops baked with sweet potatoes and apples

Thursday: Sausage spaghetti pie

These are all new recipes and I can't wait to try them!!

Stay tuned for a weekend wrap up post tomorrow! The girls and I had a fabulous time in Chicago! Can't wait to share our pictures and all the recaps of the many delicious meals we had! Here's a little teaser...

What are you having this week?


  1. Ok I'm drooling over here... stuffed baked potatoes?! YUM. Adorable picture, looks like you had a good weekend! Did you swim in the green river?! ; )

  2. i'm sure these aren't healthy but they look so fun and delicious:


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