Mar 29, 2011

Spring Spruce Up!

Even though the temperature outside is not acting like it, I am ready for Spring to be here! I've added a few simple touches around the house in hopes of urging Spring to get here already!

The gold frame was one of my very first DIY projects and is usually home to a large scale brown fabric that I framed many moons ago.  I decided to switch it out for a piece of scrap wallpaper to liven things up.  I love the bright pink in the flowers and the paper even has a sheen to it which is nice.  The plant was a very cheap addition from IKEA this week.  The plant itself was $2.49 and the adorable white pot (that I'm obsessed with) was a whopping $1.99.  I love the pop of color of the leaves against our brown walls. 

I also recently created and added this mirror to the house.  I love that small and easy additions can really help liven up our surroundings!

Linking up over at Centsational Girl and her 'Fair Weather Forum: Spring Decorating and Cleaning' link party.  Take a minute and go say hello to Kate...she is great and very inspirational.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that pot at Ikea and fell in love too! So cute. Love your spring spruce ups!


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