Total Basset Case: Meal Plan : Week of April 11th

Apr 11, 2011

Meal Plan : Week of April 11th

I am so happy to get back in the groove of coupons, grocery shopping, and meal planning.  Things seem to run smoother in the evenings when I have our meals planned.

Monday: Taco Casserole
Tuesday: PW's Dr. Pepper Pork Shoulder...this looks amazing, I can't wait to try it. My friend, Margaret, made it the other day and said it was to die for.  I'm going to put mine in the crock pot instead of a dutch oven like she does.  Mainly because I don't own a dutch oven which makes me very sad and that whole issue that I have to be at work all day.  And I don't think Floyd should be in charge of the oven.
Wednesday: More pork, probably on tacos
Thursday: Barbeque chicken pizza...maybe on the grill..
Friday: Dinner at a friend's house!
Saturday: Smoked sausage and creamy noodles

What are you having this week?

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1 comment:

Laura@everydayeasy said...

I'm intrigued by the taco casserole. Recipe please???