Hi everyone! It's so good to be back! I recently did an overhaul on the office in our house that had become, well, a mess. Now that it's organized, it is time to start sprucing it up a bit! I saw this tutorial for Paper Reed Frames at I'll Get You My Pretties and tried it myself! (She's got some great crafts on her blog...check it out!) I followed her general idea, but there were a few things I did differently here and there!
I started with these cheapy cheap frames from Goodwill ($0.99 a piece!) and magazines out of the recycling box.
Then, I started making paper reeds. To do this, rip pages from the magazines. Cut some in half, and leave others whole. Now it's time to roll! I tried using a skewer stick to roll, but ours are metal and flat on the sides, sooo that didn't really work. Instead, I used a skinny dowel rod found in the wood craft section at WalMart. Put the dowel rod at an angle at one of the corners and start rolling! This took some playing around with...if the rod gets trapped in there you have to start again (yes, this happened more than once!). When you have a corner left, dab it with a glue stick to seal the reed. Then slide the dowel rod out.
Once you have quite a few reeds made, cover your frame to see where they fit! I used a hot glue gun to put them on, and then just trimmed off the ends with scissors.
Once everything is glued on, cover it with a layer of Mod Podge to harden it a bit.
And there you have it! These cute frames came to grand total of $1.98!
[Tip: If you're making these for a specific room, try using scrapbook paper to stick to one color scheme! If you're making them for a friend, add a personal touch by using magazine pages that might be meaningful to that person. I knew these would be in the office by all of my Hub's baseball collectibles, so a lot of the reeds are made from Sports Illustrated pages of baseball stadiums!]
Even cuter with that bulldog, don't you agree?! :)
A big thanks to Sarah for filling in while I am out of town!! Come back later this week to see what our other guest bloggers have in store for you!

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