May 31, 2011

Splish Splash

Ever since the weather has turned so hot, Floyd has been asking for a pool to cool off in.  Grandma somehow caught wind of this and one happened to appear at our house over the weekend. Let's just say, Floyd is in LOVE!

He was a little leery at first and thought we had just given him a HUGE water bowl for the backyard.  He cautiously investigated it and s l o w l y started putting in one paw at a time until all four were submerged.  Now he is sold! I think the more he investigates and sniffs the more and more he will enjoy it! Especially if this 90 degree weather sticks around!

This afternoon we invited Sidney over for a pool date and Floyd was very excited to show her his new toy!  They ran, played and splashed all through the yard.


Phew, I'm rhsity, Mama!


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  1. We are planning to get a pool for Leon sometime in the next week...I'm pretty sure he will see it as a "how much can I drink" challenge though!

  2. Awww how cute!!! He's definitely adorable!!

  3. Oh my gosh, this is so cute!! Luca HATES the heat, but she also hates pools. Seems like a conflict of interest if you ask me ;)


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