May 25, 2011

Tweet Tweet

Meet Shirley and Hank.  They are the newest members of our household. And I'm obsessed with them.

I have a small obsession with bird images.  Actual birds, not a fan.  Bird images, love!  Shirley and Hank have taken up residence on our floating shelves.  (and those two boys in the corner aren't bad either :) )

And speaking up birds and 'tweeting'....Total Basset Case has joined the Twitter craze. 
You can follow along and keep up with all the latest TBC news and posts via @totalbassetcase.  There's also a link to the right that will direct you right to our profile and you can follow along that way as well!

Tweet Tweet!

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  1. I'm a big fan of the birds AND their names! Hank would be proud.

  2. Your blog name is totally cracking me up! And whatever image that is in all these pictures of a cute guy kissing that little puppy --- um, my heart is melting! Just the kind of early morning pick-me-up I needed on this Thursday!

  3. Aww how cute. So funny! Yay for twitter (:


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