May 28, 2011

Woo Hoo!!!

For as long as I can remember, my bff and I, Sarah, have been dying and trying to win contests and giveaways.  Sarah is much more diligent than I am at entering contests, but I have to say she's taught me well.  Yesterday it finally paid off and I sent her this text:


It was the icing on the cake to what had been already been a really great day. 

I hopped onto TBC yesterday to check on some comments and I had this comment from Cassie @ Hi Sugarplum on Awkward and Awesomes:

1. I LOVE Cassie's blog! She is amazing, funny and inspirational.  Hi Sugarplum is definitely on my daily read list.
2. I WON SOMETHING!! And it wasn't just one item (which would have been amazing in itself) but I won FOUR things!!

I want to say a HUGE thanks to Cassie for the prizes and also a HUGE thanks to the sponsors.  I can NOT wait for these items to come in the mail!
Here are the sponsors, go check them out and show them some love:

And if you are dying to check out exactly what I won, here's the link to Cassie's original post with pictures of all the goodies!

Now, what to get the canvas print of?? Wedding, Floyd, Florida?? Let me know what you think and thanks again to Cassie and the sponsors!!

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  1. congratulations! i've been trying to win giveaways too, but it just never happens for me! i'm going to look at what goodies you got. my personal opinion is that you get the canvas print of your doggie! I had a lady on paint a black and white andy warhol style portrait of my dog from a picture. and I have a beagle, so bassets are also a point of fondness for me too :) theyre just too cute! love your blog :)

  2. sooo jealous but super pumped for you! maybe you should get the print of you guys and floyd in front of your house to celebrate one year!


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