On Friday the Mister and I made dinner at home and then headed out for an ice cream date. Something about summer just equals Heath Bar Blizzards in my body. I could eat one everyday!
Saturday morning Bethany and I headed downtown with her mom to the first ever City Flea. It was great! It was a mix of a craft show and flea market. I scored some treats for the Floydster from Boogie Bones and this necklace for me from Stop Traffick Fashion. I love, love, love the necklace! And Floyd, of course, LOVES his new treats. He recommends the cheese and the peanut butter flavored ones.
Stop Traffick Fashion's proceeds are used to directly help rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking. Making the jewelry is a healing process and a part of the rehabilitation for the victims. Check out their site for more information and their products!
How was your weekend?
Haha, I tuck my beagles's ears sometimes because they like having them out of the way. :) Cute!