Sep 15, 2011

Awkward and Awesomes!

They're baaaaaack!
I know you guys have really been missing A&A's.
Or I am just telling myself that.

  • Walking out of Crate & Barrel and giving myself a flat tire with the revolving door.
  • Floyd eating Jack's yellow crayon.  Then having poor Jack say, 'wellow? wellow?' to his crayons.  Sorry buddy, it's in Floyd's belly.
  • Responding to bbm's from the Mister with 'sure dogg', 'what up yo?' and the like.  He doesn't seem to be amused with my gangsta antics.
  • I started my new job this week!!! It is SO nice to be in fresh, new environment and to be a part of some really amazing projects. Yay!  
  • There's an unlimited supply of diet coke there...I may drink my wages in it.
  • Seeing Floyd waiting for me at the front door when I come home from work. Ridiculously precious.
  • Recently the Mister and I watched all of Dexter Season 5 in 2 days.  Marathon session style.  Crazy dreams ensued.
  • PW's new show...I'm loving it! Has anyone else been watching?
  • Plans are in the works for a Blogger Bluegrass Bash/Meetup at Keeneland in a few weeks.  Blogger friends + Keeneland = 2 of my favorite things wrapped into one!! 
  • My friend Allie just started a new blog.  Check it out!


  1. My sister speaks gangsta to me and I don't get it half of the time lol :) I think its hilarious that you do it to your husband. Clearly, he doesn't have the gangsta gene lol :)
    Congrats on your new job.. and does everyone drink Diet Coke nowadays? haha!
    The crayon story was hilarious. Poor Jack :I

  2. Congrats on starting a new job! Super exciting!!


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