Sep 18, 2011

Oh heeey

Fancy meeting you here.
Notice anything different about us...??
We got a new 'do over here at TBC and I'm lovin it!
What do you think?!
Do you like our new look??

I want to say a HUGE thank you to Thais at House '09 for putting together our new look! 
And for dealing with my 1 million questions. 
I am ecstatic the new design and with the entire process with House '09.
I highly recommend these lovely ladies if you are looking for a new, awesome, beautiful blog design!
Be sure to tell them I sent 'ya!!

Floyd wants you to know that he gives the new look 4 paws up.


  1. The new look is amazing!! It's so fresh and modern, I love it.

  2. It's gorgeous! Absolutely love it!

  3. Sarah, I love it! It's way cute, and Floyders looks smashing as usual!!

  4. So beautiful!!! Love the new layout and of course, Mr. Floyd! xoxo

  5. a pleasure working with you and Floyd! thank you for the sweet words =)


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