Oct 30, 2011

Meal Plan: Week of October 31st

Heyyyy friends! 
I'm back!!
I can't wait to show you all of the pretty things I saw at Market!
Soon I promise!
I also want to take a quick moment and thank the wonderful ladies that helped out while I was away...
Meg, Kara, Darby and Tess...you are wonderful!!! Thanks again!!

And now for our meal plan:
Monday: We started a tradition last year of ordering Jets pizza on Halloween night to eat while handing out candy.  Jets' is hands down the best delivery pizza I've ever had.  And do not get me started on their ranch.
Tuesday: Oven Baked Crispy Chicken Tenders (Cook Yourself Thin) + Oven Fries
Wednesday: Jerk Pork and Sweet Potato Stew (crock pot)
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Chicken in the oven + rice

What are you having this week??

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