Oct 2, 2011

New Friends

Heyyy everyone!
Floyd and I are making new friends in the blog world and we want you to meet them too!
We are extremely proud to be sponsoring over Living in Yellow.

 Please tell me that you read Erin's blog.
If you do not, you need to RUN over there and check her out!!
She Rocks.
Yes, with a capital R.
She's that good.
She cracks me up on a daily basis.
So go check her out and all the other ladies on her blog.
Let the blog stalking begin.

And a HUGE welcome to everyone stopping by from Living in Yellow!

Also, I won this necklace from BluHour via a giveaway on Schue Love's blog!!
 Please also tell me that you read Natasha's blog...she equally as fantastic!

I'm off to watch the season premier of Dexter!!
I'll be back tomorrow with meal plan!


  1. Love her blog. She is seriously hilarious! Good recommendation!

  2. Aww look who wins the sweetness award for the month =) Thanks so much girl! I am so proud to have you sponsoring my blog :) Have a great day!


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