Nov 6, 2011

Meal Plan: Week of November 6th

Here's what we are having:

Sunday: Dinner with the in-laws :)
Monday: Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Tuesday: Out to dinner with a friend :)
Wednesday: Pad Thai in the crock pot via here over noodles
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: My mama is in town! I'm going to make dinner but it's a secret!
Treat for the weekend: Peanut Butter Chocolate Dessert

What are you having this week?


  1. hmmm...crock pot pad thai..may have to put this one in the recipe files! :)

  2. I am also going to have to try the pad Thai.

    I might have already commented and told you but my boyfriend has a basset! A 3 yr old female and she is the best! Floyd is sooo cute :)

  3. That peanut butter chocolate dessert looks amazing.

  4. oh shoo that dessert looks amazing!! and pad thai with noodles in a crock pot, i am going over for the recipe now!!

  5. Um, now I'm having Peanut Butter Chocolate Dessert! That looks *INSANELY* wonderful!!! I mean seriously, it has chocolate and peanut butter! What is there not to love??? (c:

  6. PB & Chocolate?! OH yes please!!! Looks divine!


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