Total Basset Case: Birthday Surprise: CHICAGO (part 1)

Feb 20, 2012

Birthday Surprise: CHICAGO (part 1)

This surprise weekend for Mister's birthday has been in the works for a looong time 
I couldn't say a word to you guys!!
I so glad I can finally tell you all about it!
And proud of myself for not ruining the secret! 

The Mister and I headed up to Chicago (minus the snow this time) on Friday
and we got right to exploring the city.
Our hotel (The Knickerbocker) was right off of Michigan Avenue i.e. all the best shopping.
I loved all of the fabrics in our room and the shower was phenomenal!
Friday night we had reservations at Rosebud.
We had read that Rosebud was known for their steaks and for having the best burger in the city.
We both went for the burgers and they did not disappoint.
So,so good.
We also ordered parmesan and truffle tater tots.
You guys, those TOTS.
Out of this world.
I've never had such a delicious tot in my life.
sorry the grainy pictures the lighting was strange in there

After dinner we ventured to Old Town for a drink and on to Second City.

 Second City was entertaining but not as funny as I was expecting.
We also went to the 11 o'clock show which was midnight our time = past our bedtime.

I'll be back tomorrow with more photos and details from our trip!


Savannah said...

I love that you surprised him with this trip! Chicago is such a fun city and it sounds like you had a great time!

Darby Hawley said...

yay!!!!! this looks like so much fun! I love that picture of the two of you on the street :-)

Jena Roach said...

Wow this looks so fun! I love your hotel room... is that weird? :)

Anonymous said...

Looks SUPER fun! :)

Anonymous said...

I want to visit Chicago so bad! Looks like you had a great time :)

Michaela said...

Aw how fun! Always wanted to go there!! I'll have to visit soon!

Ashley said...

this looks like the best birthday ever!! I LOVE chicago AND michigan avenue and all that yummy food...what an awesome trip!

Katie said...

Oh what a great birthday trip!!! Derek and I will have to try out that hamburger when we get back to Chicago! Looked amazing....and those tots!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

what a great trip. So exciting. Loved your hotel.

erica said...

What a fabulous surprise! Love the pictures you have me really wanting to go back to Chicago! xo

pam {simple details} said...

What a wonderful surprise, Sarah! You two are adorable! And, the meal...yum!!