Total Basset Case: Meal Plan: Week of February 19th

Feb 19, 2012

Meal Plan: Week of February 19th

Happy Sunday, friends!
The Mister and I just got back from a wonderful weekend celebrating his birthday in...
We had a fabulous time and I can't wait to share a million some pictures with you!

On to our meal plan:
Sunday: Sprinkles cupcakes. No joke, we both just ate one for dinner.
Don't tell our moms.
 Monday: Chicken Parmesan Meatloaf (from freezer)
Tuesday: Meatloaf leftovers
Wednesday: Chicken and Broccoli Bowls
Thursday: Chicken Sausages and
Friday: Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken (on sammies) + oven fries
Saturday: Buffalo Chicken Pizza
What are you having this week??


Anonymous said...

how were the sprinkles cupcakes?! what kind did you get!? i'm a bit cupcake obsessed :)

Caitlin said...

Ugh... I'm staring at an empty fridge so I need to do some serious shopping & menu planning. These weekly posts always inspire me!

Darby Hawley said...

Sprinkles cupcakes are perfect for dinner :-) Cant wait to see the pictures!

Savannah said...

Love your meal plan! I just pinned the meatloaf and buffalo chicken recipes - thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

Yumm! Oh goodness your whole meal plan sounds wonderful ! I need to be more creative, haha!

Anonymous said...

drooling over those sprinkle's cupcakes... i dont even live close enough to even get a sniff of those!