Total Basset Case: Fridays with Floyd: Snuggling with Mama

Mar 16, 2012

Fridays with Floyd: Snuggling with Mama

As I mentioned on Tuesday, 
we were able to sneak in a few naps on the couch last weekend.
Floyd snuggled up with me for a little bit.

p.s. I must really love you guys to you show these because I do not look my best...
big yawn

p.s. (again) I am obsessed with Words with Friends and Draw Something!
Who else is as obsessed as I am?!
Find me: Srswanny

Have a great weekend friends and 
Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

We do the same thing with pictures to prove it! Have a great weekend!!:)

Caitlin said...

Just downloaded words with friends... beyond excited!

Floyd looks so cute & snuggly. He must smell better than my old Basset does right now :)

Anonymous said...

oh my goodnes..he is the cutest!

I Do Declare said...

I love a basset nap! So cute!

Darby Hawley said...

awwww snuggle time with Floyd sounds perfect! I love that big yawn at the end :-)

Hilliary Meisner said...

Such cute pictures! Love the yawn!!!

The Beckers said...

Draw Something? Must find it.

Smooches to all of you...Go Hoosiers!!

Danielle said...

I love Floyd. And snuggling up with your pup is the best! Have a great weekend!! :)

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

Nothing better than snuggling up with the pups for a nap. I actually sit at work sometimes just yearning to be home napping with my doxies:)

pam {simple details} said...

Aww, you two are adorable! Have a wonderful weekend!

Laura Darling said...

Love the yawning picture! Too cute!