Total Basset Case: Happy March!

Mar 1, 2012

Happy March!

Happy March 1st!

There are so many exciting things happening in March

I've decided to follow along with Fat Mum Slim and her photo a day challenge.
You can follow along here once a week (I'll do a wrap up each week) or on instagram: totalbassetcase

2. Mad Men Returns
The Mister and I have been waiting for this day for SO long

3. Hunger Games
This needs no explanation. Excited doesn't even begin to explain it.
I've contemplated buying tickets already...crazy much?

4. Our 2 Year Anniversary! 

 5. I'm sponsoring over at For Love of a Cupcake!
Come check Amanda out!
There are may or may not be an adorable roaming around over there...
And she has a great etsy shop as well...check that our here!

6. Tricks up my sleeve ;)
I have a couple other things lined up for March
 but I can't let the cat out of the bag yet!

Happy Thursday, friends
Hope it's great!


Anonymous said...

hunger games!!! yeahhhh

Jenny N said...

I am totally pumped for The Hunger Games too!!


Katie said...

I may link up for the photo challenge as well! March does sound exciting for you!

Hilliary Meisner said...

Sounds like a fabulous month for you! Happy Anniversary!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the love girl! And happy 2 year anniversary! Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve for this month ;)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Im so excited for Mad Men and the Hunger games and we celebrate our 5 year anniversary this month!!

Darby Hawley said...

I can't believe that it is March already! Wow!

Bubble My Licorice said...

I love anniversaries :)
I wish you all the best!

carriermaintenance said...

الآن ستتمكن من الحصول على كافة خدمات صيانة باور المتكاملة باقل الاسعار ، فلا تتردد في التواصل مع فروع مراكز توكيل باور المعتمدة التي تتواجد في جميع انحاء مصر