Total Basset Case: Meal Plan: Week of March 5th-10th

Mar 5, 2012

Meal Plan: Week of March 5th-10th

Howdy friends and happy Monday!
How was everyone's weekend!
Mine was great...tiring but great.
(I may or may not have taken 2 naps yesterday...oops)
Bethany and I ventured to Indy (after the cra-zy storms) on Friday and spent the weekend 
with my college girlfriends.
We had a blast!
I finally got to go to Which Wich and World Market. 
I also finalllly found colored denim jeans. 
(Thank you, Gap).
All 3 of these things have been on my 'to do' list for far too long.
I'll share the goodies I picked up later this week.

On to what we are munching on:
Week 2: March 5th-10th
Monday: Tuscan Chicken Cakes (I'll share this recipe soon)
 Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Citrus Chicken + Rice
 Saturday: Leftovers or date night with the Mister :)

 What are you having this week?


Katie said...

Yum!! I think I need to make chili now that you reminded me how yummy it is ;) How did World Market go?? What did you get!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Hilliary Meisner said...

Everything sounds delicious! That Italian Chicken Chili is right up my alley, cannot wait to hear how that turns out!

Savannah said...

Yum, yum, yum! I'm always so inspired by your meal plans!

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

Ooh I will have to check out the colored jeans at the Gap!

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

Ooh I will have to check out the colored jeans at the Gap!

3nod maka said...

تمتعوا بافضل مستوي خمات من خلال فريق افضل شركة تنظيف خزانات فى مكة و التي تسعي لتحقيق افضل مستوي خدمات عزل الخزانات بمكة المكرة و يمكنكم الحصول ايضاً علي ارخص الأسعار .

للتواصل الآن عن طريق :-

Unknown said...

خبرات واسعة في مجال الحراسة مع فريق متخصص لدي اكبر شركة امن وحراسة و هي الحارس الخاص التي تعتبر افضل شركة حراسات خاصة تمتعوا بعروض شركة حراسات امنية الآن .

للتواصل الآن عن طريق :-

sherrysabri said...

شركة عزل فوم بالبحرين
شركة عزل فوم بالبدائع
شركة عزل فوم بالخرج
شركة عزل فوم بالرياض

sherrysabri said...

شركة عزل فوم بالطائف
شركة عزل فوم بالقصيم
شركة عزل فوم بالقطيف
شركة عزل فوم بالكويت
شركة عزل فوم بالمجمعة
شركة عزل فوم بالمدينة المنورة

Ahmed zezo said...

شركة تنظيف منازل

