Total Basset Case: Two Years Ago Today...

Mar 27, 2012

Two Years Ago Today...

Two years ago today I married my best friend.
I can not believe that wonderful day was 2 years ago...
the are days when it seems as though it was was just yesterday
and days when it seems as though it was 12 years ago.
Regardless, I love being married and am so happy to be celebrating our anniversary!

Our plan today is to grill some steaks, drink some wine and exchange gifts.
 sounds perfect to me :)

 Happy Anniversary, Mister!
I love you so very much and my love for you grows every day
I can't wait to see where the next 82 (at least) years take us


Hilliary Meisner said...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy celebrating with your guy! You look beautiful in your wedding pictures!

Darby Hawley said...

awwww yay! Happy Anniversary!!! Love these beautiful pictures!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

Happy Anniversary! My ten year is coming up next week. Love your wedding photos. Where did you all get married?

pam {simple details} said...

Happy Anniversary, Sarah! What a beautiful bride, love your shoes!

Tonya said...

Happy Anniversary, Sarah! Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary, sweet girl! :)

megan said...

Happy Anniversary!

Caitlin said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Marci @ a smile a day said...

awww Happy Anniversary! You were one beautiful bride & your flowers & shoes are gorgeous!!!

Erin said...

Happy Anniversary!!! :) I hope today is special for you guys!

I Do Declare said...

Happy 2 Years!

Katie said...

Aww! I seriously LOVED seeing some of your wedding pictures! they are gorgeous girl, you should show them more often!! You looked BEAUTIFUL. Happy anniversary :)

Val said...

Happy Anniversary and cheers to many more.

Katie said...

Awwww happy anniversary!!

kourtney said...

Happy Anniversary!! We're nearing our 2 year mark soon! Hope you have a wonderful day full of celebration!

Lia Joy said...

Happy happy anniversary! :) Your wedding photos are beautiful! :) Hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! The memories of that day I will always treasure. I love you both! Mom

Ashley said...

YAY! Happy Anniversary! Hope yall have a special day :)

Anonymous said...

Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted said...

Hope you had a great anniversary! You were a beautiful bride and I am LOVING the red shoes you wore. I wish I would have been more creative with my shoe attire now when I look back! said...

Happy Anniversary. Your wedding looked amazing and thanks for commenting on my post about spring color inspirations!

Giovanna said...

Thank you for your sweet comment! Great photos! Happy Anniversary doll!


natasha {schue love} said...

Awww Happy Anniversary you two!!!