Total Basset Case: Happy Birthday Floyd!

Apr 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Floyd!

Floyd is 3 today!!
I can NOT believe that my little baby is 3!

Although he is sassy, stubborn and a rascal, we love him to the moon and back.
He makes us laugh and smile each and every day and we are SO happy he is in our lives.

Since Floyd is 21 in dog years today, I tried to get him some doggie beer but could not find any :(
But don't worry, he is getting a few other specials treats tonight!

Here are a few of my favorite photos of Floyders.
There are many, many more where these came from if anyone is interested. 

We love you Bubby!


Katie @ Team Skelley said...

Baxter says, "Happy Birthday Floyd!"

There is nothing I love more than basset puppy pictures! We hope that Floyd has a fabulous day!

Elise said...

Happy Birthday, Floyd, you cutie you!!!! Wishing you lots of tasty treat that I'm positive your mommy has made for you!

Katrin said...

Happy happy birthday, Floyd!!!

The pictures are adorable!!!

asj said...

happy birthday floyd - he is just too stinking cute!!

Jenny N said...

oh my lord, those puppy picks are tooo cute!! and that one of you and him in the car! LOL! Too cute.

Virginia said...

Happy Birthday Floyd! I've never seen puppy pictures of those types of cute!!!

Joy said...


He is one precious baby boy!! I love his baby pictures and he is one handsome "legal" boy today. Happy Birthday Floyd, Marleigh and I wish you nothing but lots of bones and squeaky toys!!!

Joanna B said...

OMG is he a cute boy! Happy birthday Floyd from Reggie and Lola (and their mom!)

pam {simple details} said...

Oh my goodness, totally adorable! Spoil him up good! :)

Anonymous said...

he is so cute! happy birthday floyd!

kourtney said...

Happy Birthday Floyd!! I am in love with the pictures, but I am partial to bassies!! So adorable! Hope he enjoyed his special day!

I Do Declare said...

Those puppy paws!!!!!! I die! Happy 3 to Floyd! He is so, so handsome.

Darby Hawley said...

awwww Floyd in a shirt and sleeping on your shoulder!!! He is so adorable!!! I hope he gets extra snuggles today! Happy birthday Floyd!

A Big Little Life said...

I am dying from cuteness overload. Floyd in that red shirt is too much adorable to handle! Happy Birthday to that sweet boy!

Danielle said...

Happy Birthday, Floyd! What a cutie!!!

Laura Burtis said...

Happy Birthday Puppy!! I love that you looked for puppy beer since he's 21! HAHAHA! Too cute!

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

aweeee! he is SO adorable!! happy birthday pretty boy!!! did you name him after pink floyd? super cute blog, LOVE the name! new follower!

im having a fabulous giveaway, you should check it out!

xo Kelly

Katie said...

Awwww happy birthday Floyd!!

Miranda said...

happy birthday Floyd! he is so adorable and i love seeing pictures of Basset Puppies!

Unknown said...

Adorable! Happy, happy birthday!!

xoxo, Emily

Heather said...

i die! i can't even handle the puppy pics.
i wish fred was a puppy again!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my precious Granddog Floyd! I love you lots!


Caitlin said...

OH MY GOD THOSE PUPPY PICTURES!! You can probably hear me yelling from Connecticut about them! Soooo cute.

The Beckers said...

I remember his first weekend with you guys! He was so squishy and cute. Still is... Smooches to our buddy on his special day!
XOXOXO, Kady & fam (especially Coop & Tuck)

Lisa Lynn said...

Oh my goodness that 2nd picture (and the rest of course) is adorable!! Happy birthday Floyd!

Gloria said...

Omg my heart just melted - what a cutie!!