Total Basset Case: Weekend Wrap Up: Lake George & Meal Plan

Jun 18, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up: Lake George & Meal Plan

Another wonderful summer weekend has come and gone for us.
We spent our weekend with the Beckers up at Lake George on the Michigan/Indiana border.

The weather was perfect, the company was perfect, there were 
doggies swimming and plenty of babies to love on.

I'll let the pictures do the talking
(mostly because I am too tired to type anymore)
 aaaand we're out.

Oh, real quick, here is our meal plan for the week!
Week 3: June 17th- 23rd
Tuesday: Going away dinner for a friend
Wednesday: Cha Cha Cherry BBQ Chicken + Veggies
  Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Cookout Blate with Katie and Derek!

 How was your weekend??


Val said...

Such a great weekend Wrap-up.

Jodi said...

Love the life jacket on the dog!

Allison said...

Looks like a fun weekend!! And your meals sound great too.

The Beckers said...

So fun having you guys up this weekend! We owe you a visit to Cincy!

Darby Hawley said...

What an awesome weekend! Floyd looks like he had a blast!

Joy said...

That last picture of Floyd cracks me UP!!! Sweet baby boy!!

Casey said...

Floyd looks so adorable in his life jacket :)

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

You know how much I love a pup in some water! ;) Totally adorable!! I took Zoey for a jog last night & when we got back home she laid down in the grass right in the middle of the sprinklers. She's a mess!

Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

Anonymous said...

What great pictures! Looks like a super weekend! New follower! xoxo A-

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

I just can't get enough of dogs in life jackets. we ended up putting sherm in one for the last day of canoeing. I laughed and laughed at him ... I'm such a good mom.

Allie said...

your dog is SOOO cuteeee!!! theres a litter of basset hound puppies around the corner from my apt and lets just say i drive by SEVERAL times a week to stick my head through the fence and let them lick my face. they are the sweeetesttt!!!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

That hound is a ham! I want to give him kisses