Total Basset Case: Button Giveaway!

Jul 18, 2012

Button Giveaway!

Hey friends, your hump day is about to get awesome.
I have a giveaway for you today! 

Remember last week when I pointed out my 

Well the wonderful people over at House 09 have 
graciously offered to give away four
matching social media buttons to YOU!

How awesome is that??

Entering is very simple!

Mandatory Entries:
-Be a follower of House 09's blog
-Be a follower of my blog

Extra Entries:
-Follow House 09 on Twitter
-Follow Total Basset Case on Twitter
-Tweet about the giveaway

Just leave one comment telling me all of the ways you entered.
(if you are already a follower of mine just let me know)
That's 5 possible entries!

Good luck, friends!
And if you need any work done on your blog or are 
thinking about a redesign, I very highly recommend House 09!!

*Giveaway is open until Sunday at midnight.
Winner announced on Monday! 


Anonymous said...

I'm a follower of both blogs! xoxo

CK said...

Follower of both :)

Sarah said...

I follow both blogs and both of you on twitter :)

Anne said...

Love the buttons...I have teal on mine & just adore 'em.

Good idea for a giveaway!

Casey said...

Cuuuuute! I'm a follower of both blogs... But my life is not interesting enough for Twitter :)

Becky said...

I am following both lovely blogs!! Thanks for te chance!!!

k said...

i'd love to enter! I love house 09 and now am following you! i also follow house 09 on twitter!