Guys, Mister and I have an obsession.
It's called Amazon Prime.
In a nutshell it's $79 a year and you get free shipping on every (prime) item you buy from Amazon.
Free shipping. Every item.
So you order it, the shipping is free and it shows up on your door step in 2 days
(sometimes sooner).
We have already ordered enough this year to cover the $79.

We are now ordering everything and it's brother from Amazon.
I literally have a grocery style list going on on our fridge for our upcoming orders.
Hair products...Amazon
Poo bags...Amazon
(yes we ordered a 17' ladder-hey it was easier than trying to get it home in our car)
Phone Covers...Amazon
and more...much more.

We haven't branched out to the household products or food yet but just give us time.
I've got a case of Clif bars on my waiting list that will probably be on my doorstep soon.
My friends have stopped asking me where I get things because they know the answer is always Amazon.
Yes, this may seem a tad lazy but hey, it's hot out
and I am saving gas by not driving to Target as often.
Plus if it is something that can wait 2 days it really isn't a big deal.
I also have a handy Amazon app on my phone called "Price Check".
You can scan bar codes at stores and see if it is cheaper on Amazon.
I use this one alllll the time.
We are so obsessed with our Prime membership that I wanted to share it with you guys.
Who would I be if I wasn't telling you about a great deal?
Heck, I think a year subscription sounds like a great item for your Christmas list!
(hint, hint Mom)
Do you have Prime?
*P.S. I am not being compensated for this post.
Amazon has no idea who I am.
But if Amazon wants to send me things that's okay :)
(sometimes sooner).
We have already ordered enough this year to cover the $79.

We are now ordering everything and it's brother from Amazon.
I literally have a grocery style list going on on our fridge for our upcoming orders.
Hair products...Amazon
Poo bags...Amazon
(yes we ordered a 17' ladder-hey it was easier than trying to get it home in our car)
Phone Covers...Amazon
and more...much more.

We haven't branched out to the household products or food yet but just give us time.
I've got a case of Clif bars on my waiting list that will probably be on my doorstep soon.
My friends have stopped asking me where I get things because they know the answer is always Amazon.
Yes, this may seem a tad lazy but hey, it's hot out
and I am saving gas by not driving to Target as often.
Plus if it is something that can wait 2 days it really isn't a big deal.
I also have a handy Amazon app on my phone called "Price Check".
You can scan bar codes at stores and see if it is cheaper on Amazon.
I use this one alllll the time.
We are so obsessed with our Prime membership that I wanted to share it with you guys.
Who would I be if I wasn't telling you about a great deal?
Heck, I think a year subscription sounds like a great item for your Christmas list!
(hint, hint Mom)
Do you have Prime?
*P.S. I am not being compensated for this post.
Amazon has no idea who I am.
But if Amazon wants to send me things that's okay :)
We use Amazon Prime like daily!! I am seriously obsessed. We have recently moved into household cleaning stuff (ie the ingredients for my homemade laundry soap) & boxes of Jesse's beloved Kind bars.
Thanks for sharing the app, though - I will definitely be downloading and using!
I had a free Prime membership for 2 years and it just expired! I'm so sad without it.
I should also mention that in the beginning of the year, I ordered a HUGE box of paper towels, a ton of toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. from Amazon. There's something really satisfying about receiving a huge box and knowing it shipped for free. There's also something totally satisfying about knowing you always have extra toilet paper.
My sister keeps telling me we need to get it! They have it and use it all the time. I'm thinking maybe I'll do it soon and then I can get ALL my Christmas shopping done via Amazon. I love their App too, I use it all the time!!
Okay, I've been on the fence for a while now, but it's official. I'm pulling the amazon prime trigger.
thanks lovely,
It's so funny that you posted this bec my fiance' added me last night to his "prime" account so Now I get the free 2 day shipping!!! WE LOVE IT. use it pretty much daily. We both use the Amazon PRIME TV/Movies daily It's how I watched All the seasons of Lost, Dawsons Creek and currently Felicity! :)
we're the same way! did you know you can share it with family members?? you just need their email address/birthday... My BIL/SIL shared their subscription with us!
I absolutely love it - it seriously is life-changing, haha! :)
I have never heard of this! I've been shopping at Amazon for everything for years. Thank you for sharing this, because I've got to look into this!
We've had prime for 2 years...dropped our Costco membership because we could order most of the big bulk food we got at Costco (goldfish, granola bars, cereal). Christmas shopping alone will PAY for the yearly membership, that's when we initially got it and we've been hooked since!
yes we have prime and love it!!! with no target nearby it is a necessity in this household. i will have to download that app!
I just downloaded the App for my phone, thanks! Do you use it to watch any of the shows or borrow for the Kindle?
Hahaha I love your disclaimer.
Ha. My sister even gets her toilet paper this way. Seriously handy! Pretty sure this would pay for itself quickly by making me stop my adding extra things to my car to reach the $25 free shipping minimum...
I LOVE my prime membership. It's so much cheaper than the regular stores, and saves a ton of time!
yup amazon prime is awesome!! but we don't have it but it was awesome when we had the free trial. but maybe you have convinced me to consider a all-the time membership
I have Amazon Student prime and it is a LIFESAVER!!
This really is genius. I have a friend that does the same thing and she swears by it. I am such a instant gratification person, that it's sometimes hard for me to shop online, but you're right. It def saves gas!
Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So
I just signed up for this the other day- mainly because I wanted to get something in 2 days and they were offering a free trial :) I should really start ordering EVERYTHING there too.
I feel like I order something on Amazon Prime every day. SO ADDICTED.
Holy app! I had no idea about that one.
Downloading. Now.
Amazon is the best!! Newest follower! Love the blog! <3
Dang, this Amazon Prime sounds like the shizz! Sign me up! :)
Hello...I love you for posting this. I do not feel so bad now. I placed three orders from Amazon on Sunday. One of them may or may not have been for tampons. Other recent orders? Poo bags, light bulbs, Swiffer yeah. Hate the store now, haha
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