Total Basset Case: Randomness

Jul 11, 2012


Hey hey hey friends
I feel like I have a lot of random tidbits to fill you in on
So here we go

1. I ran a 5k
and it wasn't the one I was training for
  Say what?!
Well technically I ran/walked it but ran more than I walked!

Bethany texted me last Tuesday night and said she was 
running one the next morning (on the 4th).
After hemming and hawing about it I decided to do it 
and that it would be good practice.

And, it actually went pretty well!
I think it would have gone a lot smoother if it hadn't been SO humid.
But I finished in 31:49 and I was pretty happy with that.

 I was able to cross it off my list!
Next stop, the Color Run!

2. New Sidebar Features
Have you noticed anything new on my sidebar??
I have been wanting an updated 'about me' section
and social media icons for awhile now.

 I contacted House '09 (who originally  did my blog redesign)
 and had them whip up some awesome new features!
I really like the way they turned out, don't you??
I highly recommend House '09 if you are looking for any updates for your blog!

3.  Lunch Blates
I have 2 blogger lunches this week!
First I'm meeting Anne for lunch today at Chipotle.
(come to Mama salty lime chips)
And Saturday I'm having lunch and poolin it with Lauren and Liz!

4. Lack of Floyd
I got some flack yesterday for no pictures of Floyd.
He was around last weekend but it was just too
hot for him to be outside much so I didn't snap any pictures of him.
Here's some cuteness for you...
Heeeeey guys. Heard you missed me.

5. Bookworm-out of control
I realized today that I am listening to 2 different books on tape
(1 while I run and 1 in the car).
I also have 2 other books started and my book club
 book on hold at the library.

6. Big Brother
The only thing getting me through the wait until the Bachelorette season finale
(July 22nd are you kidding me??)
is that Big Brother starts TOMORROW!
 I love me some Big Brother
and the fact that it is on 3 nights a week makes it even better!
And Breaking Bad starts this weekend too! 

I think that is enough randomness for one day!
Have a great one, friends!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on checking the 5K off your list!!! Floyd! so handsome!!! xoxo A-

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 5K... that is awesome! And Mr. Floyd is just too precious!

Liz said...

I didn't realize the 5k wasn't the one you're training for - that's awesome! Looking forward to Saturday :)

Liz said...

I didn't realize the 5k wasn't the one you're training for - that's awesome! Looking forward to Saturday :)

Erin said...

Good job on the race! That's a great time!! Especially if you weren't even fully ready for it! I need to do another one, but it's been sooooo hot and humid I haven't wanted to run lately!

Thanks for sharing Floyd again :) We missed him!!

CALLIE said...

Congrats on the 5K!! Yay for you!! And awesome time.

Unknown said...

Oh that dog face! :) That was a great time on your 5K! I couldn't do any better than that!

Anne said...

Way to go on the 5k! And yay for blogger lunches! Look forward to hearing about what you're reading :)

Amy Shaughnessy said...

Good for you for running a 5K! I couldn't run 5 feet if I tried. Okay, maybe if I was being chased...


Fashion and Beauty Finds

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

Yay for the 5K! And yay for Floyd pics. And yes Floyd, we did miss you. Very very much.

Unknown said...

Loving you're keeping the list on the fridge - that ways it's always in view - sort of like precious Floyd and his beautiful ears. Stay cool, Floyd!

Happy seeing beautiful!

Sarah Hartley said...

Um. Oh my gosh. Could your blog BE cuter? I just wanted to kiss all over your dog as soon as I saw your header (is that weird?). I'm following you now- looking forward to reading through your older posts- and seeing new ones of course!

Jen said...

Hi there! I love your blog and I love basset hounds! I had one growing up, and another one about 10 years ago, and they are such sweet dogs. I am also training for a 5K, but just started out, so I am doing much more walking. I totally want to do a color run, it looks like so much fun!


Meghan @ More from Meg said...

Congrats on your 5K - you go girl!!!!

Darby Hawley said...

I like these little updates! I went through your new awesome icons to make sure I was following in every way possible. I love that picture of your crossing off an item on your resolution list! So proud of you girl :-)

Fer said...

I got a stress fracture while training for a half marathon and I finally healed. Now I can get back to training!
Congrats on the 5k!!

Flor said...

wow, that's awesome that you were able to run a 5k on such short notice.
you go girl!
i've heard such cool things about the Color Run.
please do it.. and get really dirty with paint and then take lots of pictures.
i wanted to do it but can't anymore.. due to a certain little baby in mah belly.
so, i'd like to live vicariously through you.. please :)