Total Basset Case: Four Hundo: Giveaway

Aug 16, 2012

Four Hundo: Giveaway

You guys rock, plain and simple!
400+ friends!

So to show my appreciation, thanks, and love for you guys
I am giving away this super fun, printed dot scarf!
(p.s. I only wore it for a nano second for the picture-tags are still attached!)

The color is a muted hunter green with cream colored dots.
I think it's adorable and the perfect scarf for fall!
(I'm seriously contemplating going back and getting one for myself!)

I think paired with a chambray shirt or even just a plain white tee would be so stylish.

So get to entering!
Just follow the Rafflecopter prompts below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway P.s. my friend, Elisa, just started a super cute blog so go check her out here!
P.p.s. I had the pleasure of having dinner with Jacqueline a few nights ago and she is as sweet in person as she is on her blog! Go check her out here if you haven't already!


Anne said...

I love me a good scarf! Don't usually get known giveaways, but couldn't resist this one!!

Unknown said...

All of the above!

Katrin said...

All of the above, especially Floyd. :)

Sam said...

All of the above - but lots of DIY and ofcourse, Floyd!!

Katie said...

First love this giveaway. Can't believe how close fall is! Second I really like this rafflecopter, very cool. Third I vote all of the above!

Wendy Mac said...

I love the scarf! Your blog is awesome, too.

Penniless Socialite said...

I am sucker for cute cute more of that..haha.

Penniless Socialite

Caitlin said...

More Floyd pictures, please! Plus I always love a good DIY project.

According to Jax said...

Post more about Cincinnati life, ofcourse! :)
And thanks for the shout-out my darling! Lets get together again soon!

Unknown said...

I'll always want to read more about Floyd :)

Erin said...

More Cincinnati and more meeting up with Erin! ;) Just kidding... YOu know I'm always down for more Floyd though!!!!

Elisha said...

Super cute! I always love reading anything you put up. Its like my treat for the day!

CALLIE said...

Holy Moly. I am a scarf hoarder. I seriously wear one everyday... I love it!

CALLIE said...


Cassie said...

i love this scarf! yay!!

congrats on the 400 plus followers.

i love your interior design style, i'd love to see more of that. i think you have great style too so bring it on. and please don't stop the ridiculously cute doggie pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, I love everything! DIY's are one of my faves though. xoxo

Shannon @ Why Not On A Tuesday said...

Definitely Floyd! He's precious!

Anonymous said...

Cute scarf!!! I'd have to say all of the above, especially Floyd and just life going-ons. I love this blog, love following it and all the laughs that occur because of it.

Nicole @ Three 31

shay said...

Such a cute scarf! I hope i win!
Congrats on 400!

Stephanie said...

Floyd! All the time Floyd :) I just can't get enough of that little face.
Congrats on 400 Sarah!

Darby Hawley said...

First of all congratulations on reaching 400! I'm so impressed!

Secondly, I just fell in love with that scarf, and I gotta have it. Pick me Rafflecopter!

I really like all of your posts, but you know that my heart lies with all the posts of Floyd!

Lindsay said...

Congrats on 400+! I love me a good scarf!

And I'm going with all of the above!

Jodi said...

All of the above especially that adorable dog!!

Erin said...

Can I win Floyd instead?

Blue Dog Belle said...

More Floyd!!!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Congrats on hitting 400!!! You deserve it and I know you will continue to grow!! I love everything you post and think you should keep doing what you are doing....but you know I love me some fashion posts! ;)

Anne said...

You're so fancy with 400 followers! Way to go.

I love food, fashion, and Floyd. And I'm with Jax on the Cincinnati life...

Hannah said...

What a fun giveaway! I LOVE posts on Floyd. He's just precious :)

Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

Love your blog!

Mrs. Brown said...

Oooh, I love the scarf! I would say more of the above!

Unknown said...

Love love love!!!

Unknown said...

all of the above :) i've been a fan who never comments so here i am! congrats on 400!

Allison said...

That scarf is adorable. Fingers crossed that I will be adding it to my closet soon. Haha.

Allison said...

Oh and I'd love to read more about any of those things, but I always love hearing Floyd stories. :)

Teri said...

Would love to hear more fashion posts!!

Nicki said...

I would like to see all of the above but more about Floyd would be wonderful, he is too cute for words!

the girl in the red shoes said...

Your blog is SO cute! And the scarf is adorable. I love to read a mix of everything!

Domesticable said...

Everything! I love Fridays with Floyd a lot too. :)

Joy said...

I love all your posts! I find myself going back over them in case I missed one from the week! =)