Total Basset Case: Weekend Wrap Up: Check Check Check

Aug 27, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up: Check Check Check

Weekends, why are you so tiring?
So fun but so tiring.
Our weekend was jam packed with activities and getting items crossed over our list.
Here's how it went down via Instagram
(follow me: totalbassetcase)
 Floyd was headlining in Oakley on Friday night, apparently. We went on a 'walk' after work, and he promptly just sat down. We stayed in after working around the house. I fell asleep approximately 10 minutes after I Instagramed this.
All 3 of us have been going to Starbucks on Saturday mornings and sitting outside. I kinda love it. Mister and I went to Hobby Lobby so he could get his DIY supplies.  My friend, Pam and I at the Tate of Blue Ash. That was some delicious corn. Probably because they dunked it in a bucket of butter.  Dino had a new surgery.  This time called for a skin graft i.e. a new patch.

During the past 3 weekends we were able to cross A LOT off our list
and I have to say I am very proud of us!  
Not every single thing was crossed off but we also accomplished a few things that weren't on the list.
  • Install new fan in the Mister's bathroom -in process
  • Fill holes on deck
  • Patch hole in my bathroom
  • Paint my bathroom I've decided to wait on this one
  • Organize recipe binder post coming soon about this!
  • Clean up yard for fall
  • Put away (and blog about) inherited items post coming soon about this
  • Deep clean sofa
  • Create new art for over bed in process
  • Clean both of our cars 
  • Mount TV
  • Get rid of a few big items- Craigslist/Ebay/Goodwill run in process  
And what wasn't on the list that we completed:
  • installed a new toilet seat (super exciting)
  • cleaned the outside windows
  • took care of some blog business
  • shampooed carpets
  • more!
Check. Check. and CHECK!

How was your weekend?
Linking up with these lovely ladies


Erin said...

Corn from festivals/fairs is ALWAYS the best. They must seriously dunk it in buckets o' butter... and I'm okay with that ;)

Good job on your list girl! Miss productive! I'm in serious need of organizing a recipe binder so I'll be looking forward to your post!!!

Anonymous said...

productive weekends are the best! so happy i came across your blog! i cant wait to read more! If you'd like i have a giveaway on my blog with starbucks and vera bradly i think you'll love! have a great monday! xo

Tess said...

Whoa! You seriously did have a productive weekend. Don't you wish that Monday could just be a catch up/relax day. A day just to pin, and blog, and eat healthy, and make up from the weekend??

Hilary said...

Why do Starbucks pics make me so happy?? :)

Darby Hawley said...

goodness y'all were productive!

According to Jax said...

Will you make me a copy of your recipe binder? hehe :)

Sami said...

I admire how productive you guys are! I feel like I have plans for my weekend and then quickly throw them out the window to be lazy and relax haha. Props to ya'll! Thanks for linking-up :)

Amy said...

Ah I totally agree, weekends are the best, but SO tiring!! I'm barely making it through work today, really wishing I was good enough at multi tasking to be able to nap and work at the same time!

Looks like you had a really productive weekend though, that's awesome!

Erin said...

I think I am out to purchase me some corn right now after seeing that lovely picture!

Ashley said...

Nothing feels better than checking off things on your list!!! Glad that you were able to get so much done (even though you're exhausted!)

Lindsay said...

Wow you guys are so productive! I could take a cue from you. I just have a never-ending list of to-dos and they never get crossed off! And corn dipped in butter...delish! Popping over from Weekend Update.

Life's Tails said...

New to your blog! Love you dog so cute!

#mommylife said...

just noticed.. it says headlining in Oakley.. you live in Oakley?! I live in Oakley!, CA that is..