Total Basset Case: Weekend Wrap Up: Weekend at Home {+ A Giveaway!}

Nov 12, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up: Weekend at Home {+ A Giveaway!}

Staying home all weekend is just about as exhausting as traveling.
Guys, I am tired (so tired that I forgot to take hardly any photos this weekend).
It wasn't all busy though, we did manage to squeeze in a nap or two, I mean, that's what weekends are for, right?

Friday night we headed over to Katie and Derek's and had a really fun evening with them and their friends! 
I made some treats to take over there and will be sharing the recipes later this week!
Floyd even got to go and have a sleepover with Brutus. 
 (We'll call this one 'A Basset and His Reflection')
 And this one, 'The Basset Top Knot'

Saturday morning we lazed around and picked up Bob Evans for breakfast.
Well, Floyd decided he wanted some too.
Mister had some gravy sitting on the table and he got up to get something.
With ninja like speed, Floyd had his paws up on the table and his snout in the gravy slurping away.
It was probably the best Saturday of his life so far.

Later on, we hit up the outlets and scored some deals and some Christmas presents and wrapped up our evening with dinner out at Red Robin.
We hadn't been there in forevah and were really craving some fries and ranch.

Sunday was spent running about a million and half errands, getting ready for the week, and watching our shows.
We also met up for lunch apps with Katie and Derek and then Floyd and I had a little date with some friends and their dogs for an evening beer.

And to make this Monday a little more bearable I have a giveaway for you!
I found this really adorable Etsy shop and knew it was something you needed to know about: Glamour Me Jewels
Leilani from Glamour Me Jewels is graciously giving away one of her adorable bracelets to one of you guys!
Check out this Celine bracelet in pink.

How cute is that?!
Perfect for an arm party!
Just follow the Rafflecopter prompts below.
The giveaway will be open until Friday at midnight with the winner announced next Monday.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Go check out the Glamour Me Jewels shop on Etsy!
I smell Christmas presents, ladies! 
I already have a few things picked out for Christmas presents that I want and to give to some ladies on my list!

Linking up with Sami Dana and Leeann.

P.s. don't forget about the Holiday Blog Hop on Wednesday!
Check out the details here!


Kait said...

OH MY GOD! GIVE ME THAT BRACELET! But would go great with my Granny cardigan I'm about to pick up from Target.

I wish you would have posted Floyd's rendition of the topknot. so cutteee

Anonymous said...

I have only heard of Bob Evans and Red Robin on TV! We don't have any of those in the dirty South!! Sounds like my kind of weekend! Have a great week!

Katie said...

i love that bracelet! so pretty!!

Alisa Marie said...

Sounds like a great weekend! You basset is so freaking cute! That bracelet is AMAZING! LOVE IT!

J and A said...

Floyd is too cute!!

Anonymous said...

The Bassett Top Knot. I die! Floyd is so stinkin' handsome!! Love those hound ears :)

Anonymous said...

The Bassett Top Knot. I die! Floyd is so stinkin' handsome!! Love those hound ears :)

Helene said...

love this giveaway! and looks like your weekend was fun, you are just so gosh darn pretty!

Kristen said...

How fun that you got to meet up with Katie!

Allison said...

Oh my your dog is precious!! Sounds like a fun wknd!

Denise Lopatka said...

looks likes such a fun weekend even it was a bit tiresome :)


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing a Heylee B. Boutique Giveaway today! I thought you might be interested.

Jen said...

What a great giveaway! Love that bracelet! And I love the photos of Floyd...he looks like he was having a great time. My pup Abby is very good about sneaking food at lightening speed, but I don't think she has gotten into gravy yet...she is so jealous!

Amy Powell said...

looks like a fun weekend :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, your pup is too cute! And what a hilarious story about him and the gravy. Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find yours -sounds like we have a lot in common! ~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style

Lindsey said...

Your dogs are adorable! I love Bassett hounds!

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

Love the bracelet!! Floyd looks like he had a fabulous weekend!! I cannot bring myself to go Christmas-specific shopping yet...i know there are deals out there, but one holiday at a time please hahaha!! I love weekends at home thou :)

Andrea said...

What a fun weekend you had! Yay for Floyd getting gravy!! :) Great giveaway!!

Head to Toe Chic said...

Gorgeous bracelet! I love glamour me jewels!! Sounds like you had a fun weekend :)


Unknown said...

hehe basset reflection... so cute!