Happy Monday and Happy December!
We had the pleasure of staying home this weekend.
And it. was. awesome.
Friday night was pretty close to perfect.
I put taco soup in the crock pot before work and came home to a delicious smelling house.
The Mister and I cracked open a new bottle of wine, had soup and put up our tree.
Even though I already have almost all of my shopping done, now with the tree it up it REALLY feels like it's Christmas time.
Yes, she has a bit of lean to her in this picture.
We have her straightened out now.
We have her straightened out now.
Dang uneven floors.
Saturday morning I got up bright and early to head to Target to see the Neiman Marcus line.
I took some coffee, had a magazine to read, took a hat and gloves and was very prepared to stand outside in the cold in a long line at 7:15am.
I pulled up and this is what I saw.
Not a soul.
So I waited in my warm car for about 40 minutes until myself and about 10 other people lined up at 7:55.
Here's my verdict on the line.
Now, the pieces are beautiful and there are definitely things that I wanted.
BUT there was nothing that I just HAD to have or was willing to pay for.
I think the little girls dresses were probably the cutest thing.
That, and the Oscar de la Renta dog bowl.
I love the idea of the line and the items but I do not think it was well promoted.
And definitely not as much as the Missoni line.
On Saturday afternoon Bethany came over and helped us take our Christmas card pictures.
Floyd may or may not have been wearing a sweater.
Saturday evening we went to a sushi making class for our friend's birthday.
It was so fun!
I'll have more on that later this week.
Sunday can go down as the laziest day in the history of all days.
It was all I could do to force myself out of the house to go to the grocery.
I did manage to make it to Ulta and FINALLY picked up some Elnett.
I'll have a report on it soon!

I agree about the NM/Target line. I was also underwhelmed. In our Target, they had set up everything in the very back of the store in the maternity section. That was kinda odd to me as well..ha!
there. are. no. photos. of. my. man.
you know, the one with the big ears and popcorn addiction.
I agree, I wasn't too impressed with the line either. It would've been better if there were more clothes etc.
I was curious about this new line. Interesting...glad you scoped it out!
i haven't seen any of those clothes yet, but i have a hard time paying that much for anything, but especially at target!! and LOVE sushi!!
Okay, I was so excited about the NM line for Target when I first heard...and then I felt the same way as you. Nothing I HAD to have. Nothing that got me extremely excited.
I love your tree though! It makes me so excited to get mine put up this week :)
Looks like the perfect weekend! I put up a few decorations on Saturday (no tree yet) and hit Target for the NM collab but was also underwhelmed. My only "almost" purchase was the set of tumbler glasses. I agree with you about the dog bowl...pictured my golden using it :)
your tree is awesome!!! and so appreciate your verdict of the pieces, i won't waste my time~
I was in NYC and missed the Target/NM big day but have heard that the items were just ok. Your tree looks so pretty!!
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
Sounds like the perfect weekend!! I too was underwhelmed by the NM/Target collaboration, there just wasn't anything that wowed me! I was so disappointed
I totally agree about target. I didn't go stand in line, but I looked at the preview and underwhelmed was definitely the word I would use.
xo. Emily
I wish our dogs would wear a sweater! We put Wrigley in one and he froze as if we had just saran wrapped his whole body! I guess the natural fur look will have to do!
Love the Christmas tree!
Wow, your tree is so beautiful! Even with the lean ;)
I was not impressed by the NM stuff at Target. I just looked online. You are right that the girls dresses are the cutest, but I don't know if I could ever spend $100 on a kids dress.
Hello! I just came across your blog, and I love it! I felt the exact same way about the Nieman Marcus for Target line… it was unimpressed. Cute stuff, but like you said.. nothing I NEEDED to have! I’ve decided to follow you! If you get a minute, I’d love to know what you think of my latest outfit post! While you’re visiting, follow along so we can keep in touch! :)
xo, elle from Living in Color.
I ended up not even making it to Target...but when I looked on line yesterday I agree about not seeing much worth spending the money on.
I can't wait to see your Christmas pictures! Floyd is going to be rocking that sweater!!
Aw so gorge! You make me wanna put up my tree STAT! What a productive weekend it seems for you love!
Also- I’m hosting a décor-to-dress giveaway where 3 winners will WIN a fabulous frock of their choice just in time for the holidays! Hope you’ll stop by to enter the contest!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
Your tree looks great! Sounds like such a perfectly cozy evening.
And where did you do the sushi class?? I've seen groupons for similar things, and it always sounds fun, but Peter always pooh-poohs it. Clearly something I need to do with girlfriends...
Everything was way overpriced! not sure what they were thinking...
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