Total Basset Case: Valentine's Day Gift Guide: For Him and Her

Feb 5, 2013

Valentine's Day Gift Guide: For Him and Her

So all of a sudden Valentine's Day is next week! 
The Mister and I don't do huge gifts for Valentine's but we do like to do a little something for each other. 
And the Mister gets extra spoiled because his birthday is 2 days after Valentine's Day.
BUT those are always separate gifts and events.  Just like how Christmas and my birthday are separate.
I love birthdays too much to let them share the lime light with another holiday.

I'm not a huge chocolate lover (give me a pound of gobstoppers or sour patch kids any day) so that is always out for Valentine's Day.  
So instead of the obvious choices (although I am never opposed to flowers), I put together a few non traditional things I wouldn't mind seeing wrapped in some cute hearts and pink paper this year.
(P.s. Target has adorable Valentine's paper and chevron tissue paper in the dollar section.)

I also included a few guy gifts for your man.
Most of Mister's Valentines (and birthday for that matter) gifts have been purchased and wrapped but there a few things that haven't been.
Are those items on this list?! Who knows...
He will just have to wait to find out! 
1.  Curling Wand: Shanna has convinced me that I need this for luscious, beautiful waves.
2.  Running Leggings: We are still going strong with p90x but once it gets warmer I want to get back to running more.  Plus I really should start working towards that 10k I told myself I'd run...
These pants would probably really help me do that ;)
Or any new work out gear for that matter!
3. Mrs. Necklace: In love with this thing.  
4.MELT candle: I recently picked on these up from Target and I am so obsessed with it.  The smell is amazing, I love the colorful glass jar and it is lasting forever.  I wouldn't mind owning about 7 more.
5. Anything Reeses: This is a sure way right into Misters heart.
6. Ticket Stub Pillow: Blow up a ticket stub, print it on fabric transfer and make into a pillow!
7. You and Me and the Dog Print: I mean, this is just our life to a T and would be cute in Mister's office.
8.  Cute shirt: Mister doesn't need any help being cute but this shirt would definitely add to his cuteness :)  Target has had some really great guys stuff lately!

 I know some people think celebrating Valentine's Day is silly but we personally LOVE it (yes pun intended).  I think it's a fun little way to show all the loved ones in your life a some extra love.  Plus it breaks up the monotony of the week when you throw such a cute holiday in on a Thursday!

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
What is on your list this year?


Kait said...

I want to make that pillow! You little crafting genius! And that MRS. NECKLACE!!!! Why must you taunt me?!!?

Bethany said...

I've been obsessing over that pillow on pinterest forever now. If only I were crafty...

Caitlin said...

"We" celebrate V-Day, too (aka I love it and he puts up with it). I am getting Jesse a pair of slippers this year but I think Jaisa and I will be posting our lists in the next few days, too!

Jodi said...

Is the curling wand easy to use? I've been wanting to try one.

Brooke Hamilton said...

aw I love the dog print. I always have the hardest time finding stuff for my man!

Brooke Hamilton said...

aw I love the dog print. I always have the hardest time finding stuff for my man!

Jeans and a Teacup said...

I love the "Mrs" necklace! My husband and I don't really celebrate. We usually just write each other a nice letter :-)
Jeans and a Teacup

Allison said...

I love celebrating Valentine's day and always have!! We are planning on staying in and making dinner this year! Love your lists. :)

meme-and-he said...

so glad you created this! I always have such a difficult time finding valentine's day gifts. That print is pretty perfect though. It sums us up, too :)

Unknown said...

it is extremely important to separate holidays - especially from birthdays! my bday is right by christmas and i've always hated when people try to make them one. love your gift picks!

LeeLee said...

Great gift guide. I like all of the items.

Emily said...

I'll steal "his" reese's pieces! Also, I have that curling wand and can NOT figure it out. If you get one, fill me in! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the mrs. necklace!! too cute!

Elisa of Fancy Free Me said...

That reeses jar is adorable with the little paper tie!!

perch shop said...

ooh, i love that mrs necklace. super cute. we celebrate vday around here but don't go too crazy. i've been eyeing this wewood watch so hopefully that appears soon!

k said...

maybe i should forward this to markymark :)

Anne said...

I'm in LURVEEEEEEE with that pillow.

How the hell do you print that on fabric?

Kristin said...

I too want that mrs necklace!

Maxine said...

I love that travel pillow, my husband and I met in London so I think that would make a great gift! I wonder if they can personalize them.

Marie Todd has awesome stuff too and 20% off. I already sent my man the link ;)