Hello Friday!
Anyone else feel like yesterday was Friday all day, realized it wasn't and then was super sad about it?
(please excuse blogger and it's decision to change my font today...)
You guys know how Floyd loves to be a part of the blog (and all facets of our lives)?
Well two nights ago he was apparently feeling really left out or snuggly or needy or something and I found myself like this (you may have seen him on instagram)

trying to blog.
Well my fingers were working faster than my brain and after I uploaded it to Instagram I thought, gee that would have been a really funny post to play 'caption this'.
So today I have a special treat for you!
Comment with your best caption for Floyd's thoughts in the above picture or what you think he wanted to be blogging about and I'll award a $10 gift card to the store of your choice! Mister, Floyd and I will go over the comments this weekend and pick a favorite!
Today we have new friends with us for Floyd's Friends!
Please welcome Paige and Gatsby from The Sticky Note Addict! Go check out their blog and make some new friends! I'm telling you now, Gatsby is one funny pup!
Take it away Gatsby!!
Hi y'all!
Anyone else feel like yesterday was Friday all day, realized it wasn't and then was super sad about it?
(please excuse blogger and it's decision to change my font today...)
You guys know how Floyd loves to be a part of the blog (and all facets of our lives)?
Well two nights ago he was apparently feeling really left out or snuggly or needy or something and I found myself like this (you may have seen him on instagram)

trying to blog.
Well my fingers were working faster than my brain and after I uploaded it to Instagram I thought, gee that would have been a really funny post to play 'caption this'.
So today I have a special treat for you!
Comment with your best caption for Floyd's thoughts in the above picture or what you think he wanted to be blogging about and I'll award a $10 gift card to the store of your choice! Mister, Floyd and I will go over the comments this weekend and pick a favorite!
Today we have new friends with us for Floyd's Friends!
Please welcome Paige and Gatsby from The Sticky Note Addict! Go check out their blog and make some new friends! I'm telling you now, Gatsby is one funny pup!
Take it away Gatsby!!
Hi y'all!
My name is Gatsby. I'm the Main Dog of The Sticky Note Addict, son to Paige and Bradley. We're super duper excited to be part of Floyd's Friends today — thank you, Floyd and Sarah! I want to be just like Floyd when I grow up. Happy and lazy.
The first thing you need to know is, I'm a corgi. So that means I'm shorter than your average pup. I also think I'm cuter than the average pup. (And I'm not wrong.)
The many different kinds of corgis.
You may think there's only two kinds: Pembroke Welsh and Cardigan Welsh. But you're not right at all! Us corgis are super unique, diverse, and special — at least that's what my mommy tells me!
I come in many different forms, and it all depends on what mood I'm in.
My mommy is not a corgi. She's a human with some seriously fluffy hair. And my daddy is not a corgi either. He's also a human. He dresses up a lot and is usually the one taking me to go potty or cleaning up my accidents in the living room.
I'm here to talk to you about a very important subject. The many different kinds of corgis.
You may think there's only two kinds: Pembroke Welsh and Cardigan Welsh. But you're not right at all! Us corgis are super unique, diverse, and special — at least that's what my mommy tells me!
I come in many different forms, and it all depends on what mood I'm in.
Sometimes, we're Suntanning Corgi.
Sometimes, we're I Love The Beach Corgi.

Sometimes, we're Super Duper Hungry Corgi.
Sometimes, we're Exercising Corgi.
Sometimes, we're Overheated Corgi. (And we need a Popsicle to cool down.)
Sometimes, we're Relaxing Corgi.
Sometimes, we're Snuggly Corgi.
Sometimes, we're (my personal favorite) Seriously Confused Corgi.
Sometimes, we're Unimpressed Corgi.
But all the time, we're Super Super SUPER Cute Corgi.
And that'll never change!
Thank you again, Floyd and Sarah! I had a lot of fun writing a blog post today, and thank you for letting me!

Floyd could definitely get on board with that....if we could keep the sand out of his chunky paws!
"I hope she talks about my good looks in this post".
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I'll just lay here until she plays with me instead!
"How do I get these paws to type? Nevermind, I'll use my nose!"
The Tiny Heart
Forever 21 Giveaway!
Corgis are insanely cute, their little legs just crack me up every time! Floyd is saying "This is what she spends her time on? Bones are way better than blogs."
My parents have a 1/2 corgi/1/2 chow (we think...we like to call him a chorgi)...so you can just imagine how silly he looks. :)
"Too tired to type. Must use nose to convey message that I need peanut butter."
"Writers block... it happens to us to."
"This post isn't going to type itself, Mama."
"So this is what writer's block feels like?"
I love corgis they just always find a way to make me smile!
This post made me smile! I think Floyd might be thinking, "How is this funner than rubbing my tummy? Or giving me a bone? I don't get it, mom!"
Style of One's Own
We always say our next dog will be a corgi! Sooooo cute!!!
"why won't that cute poodle from the park accept my facebook request?"
this is the cutest idea ever and love Gatsby and his different corgi "types"!
-- jackie @ jade and oak
Such cute pups!
"Who needs lolcats when you have me?"
What a fun idea. Love me some Floyd!! How about "Bloggers with Bassets do it better." :)
He is totally thinking "I should start my own blog and name it Floyd and Friends"
I had a long day and a long week this was thee perfect end of day/week. These pix are A-DORABLE!! Love the name your blog too!
Ali of
Dressing Ken
"I'm so doggone tired of this blog taking up all my Mommy's time! " ;)
Happy weekend!
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