Today's prompt from Jenni asks the question 'if you could take off from life for 3 months and go anywhere, where would you go?'
This is a no brainer for me and if you have been reading my blog for any amount of time I bet you can guess my answer.
If is, without a doubt, 100%, no questions asked, AUSTRALIA.
We traveled there this past April and fell absolutely in love.
Well, Mister had been there before and was already in love and it took all about 5 seconds for me to fall in love, but regardless, we LOVE it there.
Barring any sort of logisitcs, we would move there in heartbeat.
The people, the culture, the views, the beaches are all just out of this world and like nothing you've ever seen.
Everyone in Australia is so happy and it's extremely contagious.
If we could easily ship Floyd and all of our friends and family there we would do it in .2 seconds.
We are already counting the days until our next trip.
I always knew that Australia would be great, but I never could have imagined how quickly I would have fall in love with such a place.
I want everyone I meet to experience the greatness that is that country.
The entire time we were there we were so happy, relaxed and at ease (maybe because we weren't working for two weeks ;) ) and just peaceful. The pace of life is slower, easier and calmer and that really rubs off on you and quickly.
The entire time we were there we were so happy, relaxed and at ease (maybe because we weren't working for two weeks ;) ) and just peaceful. The pace of life is slower, easier and calmer and that really rubs off on you and quickly.
We tell people this all the time, but if you ever have the chance, Australia is 10000% worth it. The 16 hour flight and all, I promise.
We really loved Cairns/Mission Beach and I would want to make sure we spent a lot of time there. I would also want to check out every single beach on the Gold to three days at each would probably be a good start ;)
I also loved the little towns that we visited along the coast- so charming and carefree.
I would also start stocking up on Tim Tams as soon as I got there.
Sooo, when do my three months start?
I plan on spending the rest of today's #humpday dreaming of our next trip.
Sooo, when do my three months start?
I plan on spending the rest of today's #humpday dreaming of our next trip.

I've wanted to go to Australia but haven't had the chance yet. Sounds amazing.
Love the question Jenni asked for this post. I've thought about this one before bc sometimes I would kust really like an extended break from it all!
I have never been to australia but have definitely always wanted to go!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Australia is SOOO on my list of places to go when I'm able to take a few weeks off of my 'real life'! Your pictures are beautiful! I'm now imagining Floyd barking with an accent...
Oh your pics are lovely!
Yay for wanting to visit Australia :) Reading that has made me want to head up north for some Queensland sunshine! Sunday
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