Passing along some useful advice is on the schedule for Blogtember today.
These days Pinterest is full of useful slogans, phrases, quotes and advice of all sorts.
And while I have plenty of those pinned to my boards and screen shots saved on my phone, sometimes nothing can be great, sound advice or encouragement from a friend.
I've heard some great advice and words of wisdom in my life and from all sorts of people but there is one bit of advice that's stuck with me for awhile now. Advice so good and touching to me, I try to pass it along to as many people as I can.
On the morning of our wedding, I received a text from the father of the kids I nannyed for (and who were in our wedding) and it said...
'No matter what happens today, if everything goes wrong and the day, ceremony or any of the details get ruined, just remember that you are marrying the love of you life and that is ALL that matters.'
In the midst of all the craziness, schedules, appointments and hustle of a wedding day, that text stopped me in my tracks. As soon as I read it, I couldn't help but smile and knew everything would be okay. Thankfully nothing (that I know of) went terribly wrong on our wedding day. But even if it had, I knew marrying Mister would happen and that's all that mattered. If nothing else, we had our love and that's all we needed. Thankfully, we had a great wedding, friends and family all around and the day was perfect.
I try to pass this advice on to other brides and engaged friends of mine as often as I can. It really put me at ease and calmed my nerves and I can only hope it does the same for others.

What's some great advice you've gotten?
I cried reading this this morning. I am unstable. So so sweet.
I received that advice on my wedding day as well. It's so true :-)
Great advice!!
someone told me something like this a day before my wedding and i'm so happy they did, it's the absolute truth!
Does Mister know all the nice things you said about him today? So sweet!
what great advice! (and so very true although many brides forget it when they get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the wedding) Sounds like the advice giver was a great man!
Definitely great advice! :) We had a few mishaps on our day but at that point, I definitely didn't care. Jared and I were together and that's what matters :)
Awesome advice! I received similar advice on my wedding day, and it was so comforting.
Great advice!! I had a lot of people tell me that on my wedding day and it definitely put things into perspective! :)
That was so sweet of him! Very true words too!!!
Aw, what beautiful advice :-)
Love the ideas of blogging every day and love that advice
So perfect and true! I received the same advice on our wedding day, but it really resonates in life after the wedding, too - no matter what, we'll always have our love, and as long as that's our rock, life's going to be A-OK!
That's so true! My ceremony was supposed to be outside and it poured that day.. I was stressed about it before but once that day came I knew I would be married at the end of the day regardless if it rained or not and everything worked out perfectly! :) I'm just happy we had a back up plan :)
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