Total Basset Case: Blogtember : Reivew- Road ID {Giveaway}

Sep 24, 2013

Blogtember : Reivew- Road ID {Giveaway}

Day 16: Review a product

You guys are in luck today!
I have been wanting to post about this product for awhile and it happens to fall right in line with today's Blogtember prompt.

Safety is a big part of my running routine.
I always make sure I've had enough water during the day before a run so I don't pass out and stay hydrated.
I always make sure I've eaten enough during the day so I don't pass out from hunger.
I make sure my shoes are tied up tight so I don't trip.
I make sure I have the right clothes on so I don't get too cold or too hot.
And recently I've added putting on my Road ID before I head out the door.
Road ID is a simple ID tag that has your information and emergency contacts listed in case, heaven forbid, you were to encounter trouble during a run/bike/exercise/anything.  The IDs come in various forms; bracelets; ankle ids, shoe tags and shoe pouches.
Even if you aren't a runner, I've heard the great idea of getting these for your kids with emergency numbers and allergies listed on them.

All the items are made with your specific information, numbers, allergies and any information you think is necessary.  
I choose to go with the (pink, duh) wrist ID slim bracelet. 
You can put up to 5 lines of information, so it is easy to include as little or as much as you want.

It gives me, Mister, my mom and others a great piece of mind knowing (again, heaven forbid) something were to happen when I'm out on a run.  I have been encouraging all of my running buddies to order one of these.  As they say, better safe than sorry and, in this case, safety is cute and colorful, so why not?

And lucky for you, Road ID is offering $35 for you to get your very own, personalized Road ID (obviously, it would be your own, my information wouldn't do you any good, unless you too have sulfa allergy).
Winner will be announced on Friday!

*I was not compensated for this post, just wanted to share a great product and a great company with you guys! 


Anne said...

Good for you! I've been preaching Road ID for a while (also, you know the company is right by the CVG airport, right? Local company support!) - and I even got a new one with my due date/pregnancy related stuff to wear now for extra safety... I do the slim one too - I could go for another fun color, like maybe pink or purple this time!

Lauren said...

I'd do the slim one, definitely. Maybe in purple?! :)

Kait said...

Well that is very fancy! I hope you never get lost!

Kaliwood said...

What a cool idea! I would love one! Safety first! :-P

Bethany said...

LOVE Road ID, mine is just super old - from back in the day when you had 2 options and no fun colors!

Amber Marie said...

I have been meaning to purchase one of these for my running endeavors, and now that I will be moving to a new city, I think it's definitely time to jump on that! I think that the slim wrist band in green would be perfect since the whole reason for the move is because the boyfriend was just employed by Marshall University (the school color is green!).

Julie said...

I've seen and heard about these but don't have one... yet!

Caitlin said...

I'd go with the Purple sport band! AND I need one for my biking hubby!

Anonymous said...

How did I not know about these? HOW COOL! Especially for a runner like me who is prone to, ahem... injuries. I'd definitely get a black one with charms from my races. Super cool!

Jordon said...

love this! Definitely want the slim one in a fun color!

Erin LFF said...

I would get the wrist ID slim one in ORANGE of course! :)

Love the new blog look!! I haven't clicked over in awhile so if I'm way behind I apologize ;)

J and A said...

This is such a good idea!! I love the slim one in pink! :)

Casey said...

I reallllly need to get one of these - especially for long runs. I'm a fan of the one that goes on your shoelaces. But that's only because bracelets annoy me (tiny wrist problems).

Chelsea E. said...

Love Road ID! I have the ankle one...but it's from before I even met my husband so my emergency contact name, numbers and even my name are not correct. I love the one you got!!

Jen said...

This is a great idea. I actually think it's beneficial especially if you have any serious allergies. I like that it is trendy looking as well :)

Anonymous said...

I love the purple one!

Jen said...

Oh and I would go with the slim version in either pink or purple. I love the idea of adding little badges to it also.

Anonymous said...

GENIUS! I want one!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping you would review bassets! JK!!! (:

Sarah Tucker said...

My friend who runs marathons has one of these. Such a great idea! Maybe when I run more than around the block I will invest in one :)

Deborah said...

What a terrific idea! I would definitely get the slim one in pink :)

keshakeke said...

I would get the wrist ID slim in pink

Unknown said...

I would get the wrist ID elite~ Having diabetes, this is a great idea to have in case of emergencies :)

Lori said...

I'd choose the Wrist ID slim in pink or red, and maybe some wrist reflectors, too!

The Lady Okie said...

I hope I win! I really want one of these. Slash need one, because I'm not very safe when I run. As in, I don't bring my phone or any identification. Woops! Pick meeeee!

Audrey said...

The RoadID is such a good idea to make sure that your loved ones can find you.

By the way, you look so cute!