I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend/holiday!
We sure did!
We had a great mix of friends, fun and relaxing!
And! The front door has been painted! Reveal coming soon!!
1: Personal supervisor for the front door painting
2: Farmer's market flowers
3: Floyd and I took a short nap at Katie's
4: Labor Day mangoritas
1: Personal supervisor for the front door painting
2: Farmer's market flowers
3: Floyd and I took a short nap at Katie's
4: Labor Day mangoritas
This month I am happy to be linking up with Jenni for Blogtember.
Jenni presented a similar blog challenge back in May and has brought it back for the month of September. I watched from afar in May and I am so happy/scared/excited/nervous to be playing along this month.
Some of the prompts I have NO idea what to write about and some of them I am so excited for. I feel as though I've been in a bit of rut lately with my blogging and so this challenge couldn't have come at a better time. I am extremely excited to push myself to follow this through and bring you guys some new material here on the blog.
So let's get started...today's topic is 'describing where you came from'.
The simple version of this story is that I (and Mister) grew up in Madison, Indiana.
I was born in Richmond, VA, adopted (that's a story for another day ;) ), moved to San Antonio, TX for a bit and grew up from age 2 and beyond in Madison.
I loved growing up in Madison and still love that little town a lot.
If we could have another home, I'd love to have one in downtown Madison.
Madison is adorable, historic and full of charm and makes me happy every time I pull into town.
I think Madison is a great, great town to raise children in and I think Mister and I are most certainly the way we are because of where we grew up. There are definitely downsides to growing up in a small town (closest Target is 45 minutes away!) but I think there are a lot of positives and I am thankful we grew up there.
The simple version of this story is that I (and Mister) grew up in Madison, Indiana.
I was born in Richmond, VA, adopted (that's a story for another day ;) ), moved to San Antonio, TX for a bit and grew up from age 2 and beyond in Madison.
I loved growing up in Madison and still love that little town a lot.
If we could have another home, I'd love to have one in downtown Madison.
Madison is adorable, historic and full of charm and makes me happy every time I pull into town.
I think Madison is a great, great town to raise children in and I think Mister and I are most certainly the way we are because of where we grew up. There are definitely downsides to growing up in a small town (closest Target is 45 minutes away!) but I think there are a lot of positives and I am thankful we grew up there.
Madison is very down to Earth, simple and friendly. And I really think that helped Mister and I become the way we are. Now I really do love city life here in Cincinnati and the conveniences that it brings, but the slow pace of Madison is nice at times as well.
Because of Madison, I know we will always have a special place in our hearts for small towns. The simplicity and charm really can't be beat. Plus throw in all of the adorable shops, festivals and local businesses and it's a win all around.
Madison will also always hold a super special place in our hearts as well because along with meeting there (thank you small high school), it's where we were married.
We love how close Madison is to Cincinnati, it makes weekend and day trips very quick and easy! And if you Cincinnati ladies are ever looking for a great weekend getaway, I highly suggest Madison!
And that's where I'm from, it's small and quaint and I love it!

Even if I didn't always think it at the time, small towns and high school sweethearts make for good growing up (though I am thankful I always had a Target and such, ha) - I wish my hometown were as close as yours to Cincinnati, and then I could stay here forever :)
My grandparents and mother were from a small town (Jackson, TN) and I loved visiting when I was younger. Everyone was so polite and I loved summer nights, spending time with family and enjoying the outdoors. I love small towns. People can be a little uptight in big cities...like where I live now ha.
I grew up with the nearest mall/target an hour away too. Great for excess spending! I live in a tiny town now, but really miss the larger town/city life I had in college. Being an outsider in a small town is rough!
I didn't know you were adopted. I was an adoption social worker for 5 years. Adoption is amazing. Would love for you to share more about it sometime!!
Floyd supervising the painting of the door is hilarious! He is such a goober!
Your small town upbringing sounds a lot like mine. It really does shape who you become. Weird for me to have grown up in a small town in West Virginia and now live 20 minutes outside of Seattle. I love both places, but WV will always hold a special place in my heart.
Thanks for sharing!
I grew up in a small town too, but Madison sounds much more charming than where I came from!! And I had no idea you were adopted & that you were a Texan once!! ;) Thanks for sharing. I love this idea of Jenni's! :)
I love your just married picture!
Dropping by from blogtember
I never knew all that about you. You'll have to give the long version later!
And all the napping Floyd pictures are making my day.
Madison sounds like a great town! And I love you and Floyd napping. You guys are adorable!
This is crazy timing bc I am going to madison this weekend! We are wine tasting and eating at the downtowner, red pepper, Harrys, and crystal and jules. Any other suggestions?
I had no idea you were adopted, that's really cool- it's close to my heart!
Glad you had a great labor day :)
I'm from a small town, too. And that really does shape a person like you said! Enjoyed your story :)
aw how sweet!! love the wedding pic...and of you napping with Floyd :) Hi btw!!
I feel ya on the closest Target being 45 min away! I graduated with 60 people...42 of us had been together since kindergarten! Love getting to know you better :)
Fun post! Can't wait for more :) xo
You were born in Richmond, VA?? Is that why we love you so much? JK! Love learning more about you!! Give Floyd a big kiss from us!
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
Pic number 3 is just tooo precious! I hope you are printing it out and putting it in a frame!
I might have to jump on the bandwagon next week for Blogtember. I am enjoying readying everyone's posts. I too grew up in a small town, and love small town life, but I also enjoy the conveniences of city life. We actually life in a small suburb of Columbus, so I do feel like we have a somewhat small town lifestyle, but are still pretty close to the big city which is really nice.
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