Total Basset Case: It Might Make You Feel Better To Know...

Feb 13, 2014

It Might Make You Feel Better To Know...

I direct you here to see where this post idea came from...
You should also check out Amanda's blog...lot's of great running tips! 

It might make you feel better to know that....

...I limit myself to one Diet Coke a day but if I didn't think it was killing me slowly, I'd drink 47 a day.

...I'm a worrier.  About the most random things.  I drive Mister nuts with this.  
Lately it's been about Floyd getting too cold outside or his paws freezing.

....I work much better with a schedule and routine.  I plan out the upcoming week on Sundays as far as work outs, errands, which one of us walks Floyd on certain days, etc. and kinks in those plans throw me for a loop.

...We don't make our bed every day.  I don't think we will ever be those people. I want to, I really do, but it just never happens.  Plus Floyd usually sleeps in there until we leave for work.
That's right, I'm blaming that one on the dog.

....I have this insane need to make sure all of the items in our fridge are lined up at all  moments.
It makes my heart happy to see our Diet Coke and Coke Zero (we are a divided home) so perfectly straight and stocked at all moments.
(you can't tell me that doesn't make you feel better)

...I look forward to my 10am snack of Greek yogurt and granola every day.
(speaking of granola, I recently made my own and it is AMAZING. Recipe coming soon.)
And while on the subject, I get pretty excited about my 3pm snack as well.

...I loathe going to the grocery late at night after we've been out of town for the weekend.  So much so that I'd rather just go to bed without eating dinner. 

...I hardly ever pluck my eyebrows. Or get them waxed for that matter.

...I'm terrible about doing laundry in any sort of timely fashion.
I know a lot of people do it on set days.  That has never been my style.  Mine is more 'oh the basket is full, we should do laundry'.  #sorrymom

...I've just recently started taking better care of my skin.
And honestly I hate spending the money on the products but I know it will be worth it in the long run.

And that's my crazy sharing for the day.
What would make me feel better if I knew it about you??


Holly said...

What a fun post. I wrote something similar under a different title (If you really knew me) yesterday. Love learning more about bloggers and their quirks/personality. I love your coke lined up (I should specify Coca-Cola and not the drug). I haven't had any coke since i had my ulcers and it makes me sad. My stomach feels so much better when I don't drink it, but ahhhh! It's torture not drinking it. You should have two each day - one for me and one for you. Just sayin...

k8te said...

we think the same thing about hen's paws in this snow!! we heard on the news (when there were sub zero temps) that even 5 mins is too long, so now i'm even crazier than before. i am basically bi-polar out in our yard, yelling "good boy!!" bc i think saying that prompts him to go to the bathroom already or berating him for taking too long. "HENRY HAGER! hurry up, it's cold!! c'mon, just go!". i bet with floyd it's harder because he's closer to the ground, cold belly!

Jordon said...

These posts are refreshing to read! Always good to know you aren't the only one with an unmade bed and piles of laundry!

Lisa @ Naptime Chai said...

I also don't do anything with my eyebrows - almost ever. It's shameful, really, but I don't have a unibrow so I guess that's good... right?!

Heather said...

Girl... I am the biggest worrier EVER!!!!! Its debilitating at times...
Oh and I agree about the skincare thing. My skin is super dry and I need good products. But i would rather buy a purse... or workout outfit!

Heather said...

Girl... I am the biggest worrier EVER!!!!! Its debilitating at times...
Oh and I agree about the skincare thing. My skin is super dry and I need good products. But i would rather buy a purse... or workout outfit!

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

We don't make the bed either. I really just don't see the point. I have never plucked or waxed my eyebrows and I am so loving greek yogurt and granola. So much protein! It's a great snack.

Erin LFF said...

Our bed is RARELY made. And I do mean RARELY haha! Also, I plan out our week too and I always turn into a crazy when things change. I can't help it, lol!

Amanda said...

I have never waxed my eyebrows! haha. I barely ever pluck them either. Great post! So fun :)

Ashley Robyn said...

I am so with you on the soda intake as I use to drink at least 5 Dr. Peppers a day. It was madness. I've slowed down but would keep drinking them if I didn't think it was so bad for me. I also have just started taking better care of my face but mine looks no where as good as yours. I wish that products had to tell you the truth about what they do because it would have saved me some time and money. Hope you had a great weekend.

Sarah Tucker said...
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Sarah Tucker said...

I love getting to know you more...and it makes me realize we are so similar.

We never make our bed either. It was killing us having our house on the market because we had to make it every morning.

Also, we do laundry on the "we have no clean..." basis.

And lastly, I hate going to the grocery store at night too! It is the worst!

Unknown said...

This is hilarious!! I love this idea! May be doing something similar!! (obviously will give you credit for the inspiration!)

Mary @ Eat Drink and Be Mary said...

I never make my bed either, I just don't see the point. And homemade granola sounds delicious! Looking forward to that recipe.