Total Basset Case: Floyd Turns 5!

Apr 10, 2014

Floyd Turns 5!

It's a special day for the star of the show around here.
Today is Floyd's 5th birthday!
I seriously can NOT believe that he is 5.
There are days that he acts like he's the grumpiest old man and then there are days when he acts the same as he did as a puppy.
He is the light of our lives and makes us laugh, smile and shake our heads at him all at the same time -
It's never, ever a dull moment with this hound in the house.
And we wouldn't have it any other way.

And now for, Floyd's top 5s for his 5th birthday

5 Favorite Foods
1. Chicken
2. Eggs
3. Peanut butter
4. Popcorn
5. Peanut butter treats

5 Favorite Activities 
1. Walking
2. Snoozing
3. Rascalling
4. Eating
5. Snuggling

5 Favorite Places
1. Grandmas
2. Golf course
3. Park (but not to play)
4. Sonic drive thru
5. His aunts houses

You can bet there is going to be one spoiled little man at our house this weekend ;)
He's thrilled, can't you tell?

Happy birthday Bubba, we love you!!


Lauren said...

Happy birthday Floyd! He is such a cutie :)

Robyn B said...

happy birthday Floyd!!!!
ahhh basset pups are THE cutest!!

Casey said...

Wahhhhhhh those puppy pictures make me want to tear up! MY BABY!!!! hahah Happy birthday sweet Floyd! We love you so much!

Katie @ Team Skelley said...

Puppy Floyd - I love it!

Happy Birthday, Dude!

Love, your pal Baxter

Whitney Ellen said...

Happy happy birthday, Floyd!!

Love and licks,

Brooke Hamilton said...

omg the last picture is hilarious. Love Floyd! Happy Birthday!

Kait said...

Happy birthday my little meatloaf! Aunt Kait wants to smush your chunky face!! XOXOX

Pamela said...

OMG! SUCH A CUTE LIL PUP!! Happy birthday, Floyd!!!

The Mint Truffle said...

Happiest of Happy Birthdays, Floyd. What a cutie!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Floyd! Those puppy pics make me want another puppy :)

k8te said...

omg, BABY floyd!! happy birthday you sweet hound! :)

I Do Declare said...

Floyd shares a birthday with my basset, Norma, who turns 1 today! Happy 5, Floyd!

Darby Hawley said...

Oh Floyd I know you make your mamma and daddy so happy! I hope they spoil you with lots of treats, peanut butter, and belly rubs!

Anne said...

Happy birthday, Floyd! Those puppy photos slay me, and I love the top 5 lists. It occurs to me that Ginger will be 5 at her next birthday - wowza.

Bri said...

Oh my goodness! Look at that adorable puppy belly!!! Happy Birthday Handsome Mr. Floyd!

Sarah Tucker said...

Floyd as a puppy has to possibly be the cutest thing I have ever seen! Happy birthday, Floydster!

Venus Trapped In Mars said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLOYD!!!!! I hope you get to do some rascalling today (even though I'm not totally sure what that is, it sounds super fun!)

Ashley said...

I can't even handle how much I love this post. Happy Birthday, Floyd!!!!!! My favorite dog ever!!!

Elizabeth said...

Aw, Happy Birthday Floyd! So cute! I love the picture with the party hat. :) Rolo's birthday is coming up - they should party together!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Floyd looks SUPER thrilled in his birthday hat!! LOL!!! And what a sweet leeeeeetle pup he was...those rolls!! I die!! Happy birthday, big guy!!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

Happy Birthday sweet Floyd!!! I'm dying over those puppy pictures!

Because of Jackie said...

Oh gosh, look at Floyd as a little puppy! So cute, happy bday to you fur baby!

Lisa @ Naptime Chai said...

Happy Birthday, Floyd!! OHMYGOODNESS those puppy pictures. My heart just melted.

Allison said...

Ah...Floyd puppy pictures?! So cute! Happy Birthday Floyd!

Kelly said...

Aww, happy birthday Floyd!

xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes

Natalia { All the Things, etc } said...

Is he not the cutest guy, ever? The ears. Oh, the ears! Happy 5th, Floyd!

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