Jun 10, 2014

One Step Closer

....to adulthood.
We have matching night stands!!
back flips all around
Seriously I probably shouldn't get so excited about such a thing but I did and I still am that's just that.  
I'm not sure what took us so long but thankfully we came to our senses.

Yesterday I showed you how I painted our night stands (for practically free!) and today I am here to show you how they look in our room! 

We really love the way they turned out and how they give our bedroom a more cohesive feeling.
(as furniture should do!)
Ta da!
(currently reading The House Girl.  Does anyone else ever check out far too many books at the library?)

Mister's night stand was plain composite wood material but I still treated it the same as the Ikea piece.  
His needed to be painted a long, long time ago and I'm so glad we finally did!
Floyd's been reading The Tao of Maggie before bed
Now it's on to the next project! 
I've got my eye on Mister's bathroom...


  1. Matching nightstands is my project for the summer! Ours are matching now, but I hate them! Love this color!

  2. I love how they match in color but our different styles! It is super adorable!

  3. Love it! Ours are way messier than yours. Give it time... haha. Just kidding. You're growing up so fast! ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Matching nightstands? You've graduated to adulthood now! Love the color;)

  6. Yay for matching night stands!! They look great! When your furniture goes together, you know you're on the adulthood trail haha ;)

  7. Nice! And yes, I end up having to return half my books to the library before I get a chance to read them because my eyes are always bigger than my free time :) Better than overdoing it in a bookstore though I guess... How are you liking The House Girl?

  8. Lovely darling! Congrats on unifying your space!

  9. Nice! The grey looks minimalistic and stylish :)

  10. I loved your tutorial and I've never thought to paint Ikea furniture! Such a great idea! Love the nightstands!

  11. I loved your tutorial and I've never thought to paint Ikea furniture! Such a great idea! Love the nightstands!

  12. When Dane and I got matching furniture it was like the clouds had parted and angels sang. I didn't like that too much so I bought everything else non-matching


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