Aug 4, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up : Home.

This was the first weekend practically all summer that we had been home and not had visitors.
And it was glorious.  
Don't get me wrong, we've had a great summer so far and have seen our friends way more than usual (and that's FANTASTIC) but I have just wanted to be HOME.  
I was craving to deep clean my house...that's how bad it was, ha!
Mister was gone part of the weekend and that allowed me to get even more done!
And for Floyd to sleep in his spot in bed, which neither of us argued about. 

I had a to do list a mile long for the weekend and I'm happy to report I completed about 90% of it!
There's always next weekend for more! #getreadymister

Other than cleaning, my highlights were:
refinishing Mister's vanity...more on that later this week!
running group - I haven't been able to go to Saturday morning group all summer and I didn't realize how much I missed it. #7miles
Uninterrupted Target and Ulta trips
Gluten and sugar free cookie baking
Consignment shop drop offs
Menu planning
Hanging out with neighborhood friends
Pool time
and quite a few other items.

I was so happy to be home this weekend and as much as I love the hustle and bustle of summer, my neighborhood pool has been missing me!

I can easily chalk up this weekend to one big 'ahhhh' deep breath and refreshment.  


  1. Oooh anxious to see the vanity and jealous of your pool time!! :)
    I need to make that a priority. I bought a stinkin maternity suit and I haven't even worn it!!!

  2. Sometimes you just need to have the whole weekend to yourself!! I totally understand that!

  3. Oh man I get home cravings like that too. Usually they manifest in cleaning out a closet or the fridge :) This sounds like my kind of weekend for sure.

    We almost tried that cabinet transformations stuff in our kitchen - eager to hear how it worked out!

  4. I adore weekends like this. And isn't is amazing how much more you can get done with the Mister out of the house?! Ha!

  5. Oh my word, those are my favorite weekends! Doing absolutely nothing and whatever you want all at once ;)

  6. craving to clean your house? ran 7 miles? can you send some of those good vibes to me?!

  7. I too need home time from time-to-time. And I also crave deep cleaning time, and sometimes just need a day to myself to get that done. I would love to hear about your gluten free/sugar free baking. I have the gluten free part down, but haven't been very successful with cutting out the sugar part. I think my belly would be happy with that combo though :)


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