Total Basset Case: Weekend Wrap Up : Birthdays and Baby Boy

Jul 26, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up : Birthdays and Baby Boy

This past weekend my mama came up to visit and celebrate her birthday!
We had a weekend full of shopping and celebrating on our agenda and that is just what we did!

We were on a hunt to find a glider...Target finally to the rescue on that one.

We also managed to pick up a fewwww clothing items.
This little boys closet is growing by the day.
(onesie from The Printed Poppy)
But you really cannot deny the cutest of tiny things on tiny hangers.  And why would you want to?!

We were able to find a small scale play pen and Floyd did his duty of checking it out.
'Is dis where I ratch over brother?'

Saturday night we celebrated with steaks and DELICIOUS cupcakes.  The only thing missing was a glass of red wine ;)

Sunday we had the fun opportunity to hang out with my favorite fashion designer, Mayhem.
Sydney and her mom put on an AWESOME event and invited friends to help them make versions of Sydney's pot holders to be sold to help Nothing But Nets.  We were more than happy to help such a WONDERFUL cause and spend the morning with some friends.  The pot holders are currently for sale up on their site...keep checking back if they are sold out, more will be available!

Between that and trying to stay out of the heat, that was our weekend in a nutshell.  It was thankfully wrapped up with a nap on the sofa with Floyd :)


Kait said...

I went to check them out and they were all sold out. What a fun event!!

Edye Nicole said...

Baby clothes are so cute!! Hope you have a great week :)

Edye | Http://